Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Young people enjoying hash

If you had read my article on Jan 1, 2013, you would have read that I wish to instill programs to attract the young to try and enjoy hashing for what it is worth. Not to necessary join hashing but to appreciate hashing in its sublime form.

There are many things that we can do;

1. Zero guest fees for children below 18 years.  They are not supposed to drink anyway.  If the committee wants to charge a minimal fee of RM5, I will donate RM1,000 to a sinking fund to sponsor and others will surely support me.

2. Promote hash via rakan muda programs and youth clubs. There are many avenues to do this. Who ever said all runners must drink beer after a run? And who has pointed a gun at me to say that I must follow tradition?

3. Do a video program and show what hashing is to the youth and the entire community. Broadcast it! If GH5 ever host a ball breaker televise it. 

4. It is not just about giving the club a boost but giving hashing as a fraternity a different perspective. Who has ever said we can't improve on what AS Gispert has founded? Friends, times has changed. There are many alternative entertainment and sports available since Gispert founded hashing in 1938, but friends there are many things that hashing can offer which the alternatives cannot offer. Think about it!

This is not just hash talk. It is our job to promote hash to the youths to propagate the spirit of hashing. The ways to promote hash to the youths is multi-pronged, but I will stop here as it is none of my business as I have limited time. Many causes in life requires a push from someone to bring a worthy cause to a higher level. If you join the hash trash forum, in the US many young guns are embracing hash, but in Malaysia only the old farts (nothing wrong though) are remaining. Why! The old farts are still running the clubs but with no new ideas. It is a lot of self entertainment in that as long as they enjoy themselves and the circle, all is fine. They do not look beyond their own boundaries. It is all introspective and any challenge to the norm is seen as a challenge to the establishment and booted out.

Just ask yourself, why hashing isn't mentioned in any Malaysian heritage and historical accounts? Simple- no hasher did anything and if he did it was not impactful.

If you look at a lot of hash clubs in Malaysia, it is still old blood running the show. They have nothing new in the offering to bring hashing up as a whole. 

In life, it by daring and doing! 

Law of sowing and reaping - if you sowed what you sowed before, you will reap exactly what you sowed. So to get to a place we have never been before, we must do something we have never done before.