Monday, November 6, 2017

Run # 980 at Pantai Hill Park on 31st Oct, Hare by Soh Mui Mui, rated 8.0 by Big Mouth Monkey

Run Scribe:

Hare : Soh Mui Mui

GM starts the circle in the vacinity of Pantai Hill Park - greeting members and guest good evening. We had just completed our comittee meeting.
As at end of September '17 , our GH5 funds stands at RM40K plus.
By end of October after minus Torch Light Run expenses balance in the bank stands at RM 32K plus.
Which is still very healthy for our club.
We will have 3 up coming celebration do in 2018.
1.CNY DO- 27TH FEB.2018 (OC-TBA)
2.GH5 1000th RUN - OC LAZAR &GM.  Asst.- GD & SB
3.AGM RUN - 27th MARCH 2018

My life line will end  27th March 2018.Then you guys will elect a new GM .
Because of the excess of money in Gasings account unused, GH5 may give back dividents to members in term of a goodie bags for each members  says GM.(TBC- and decide by GM )
Membership as of today  stands at 108members.(70 Males and 38 Females)
Silent ask ....old female or young female...GM answer Old and Young.
Are welcome.

GM LB had  read  through  the GH5 constitution ,there is no such thing as English speaking club. You can speak any language.
This is  pure rubbish. This is a hash club not a University Malaya or University Kebangsaan . You can speak any language you want .
Lucky Cock ,Lucky Pussy, Lady Fin ger  and Tau Cheong Sui - these are the few members that don't speak and write English. Look...these are the few non English speaking members.Do they have to resign from Gasing ? GM ask..?
Why must we devide our self ? Why must we discriminate ourself ? All of us come here for fun and fellowship.
Please  do not forget we are not English speaking club.
When on box -you can speak any language you want says  GM.
You speak the language you are comfortable with.
No 2...
There is a comment .."We want quality members" and not "quantity members "What the hell is 
One was talking about?
Selling Ba Kut Teh and selling Tau Cheong Sui no quality? Must drive Mercedes,BMW...? You must be a DR or Lawyer ? This is absolutely rubbish!
Why there are low quality , bad  quality and good quality issues? I don't care whether you are Dato,Tan Sri...You are in the same playing fields. As A GM here I see you as one. I don't care what color you are .You are the same Gasing members.
Guest coming to our Gasing  here are because of  you guys .
GM said, I am bringing GH5  to the next level.
Where ever you go the first word you answer to other hashers  is the club. Please don't be construe it is for the popularity of the GM. It was for the Club.
A free loader (ex-founder)says Gasing is very popular now. Why you never invite me?(GM noted and will)
It is the popularity of the Club. What I did  for you guys is for the popularity of the club says GM. The club belongs to you not to me.
I Hope the next incoming GM will maintain this  legacy and bring it up to the next level.
We always talk about quality here,
If you don't create problem out of no problem  you are a qualify member. If you offer your help and sincerely do it-  this is quality.
It applies to all hashing club here.
"One" mention ..Ohh...why "He needs to spend so much money on do's.? And How I spend my money on you or the club...Says GM.
As of now have I ever claim any expenses except direct expenses. 
How I spent my money on you is my problem.
If i put money in the bank the bank manager will laugh at me hahaha..
When  I put money on you guys the smile and laughs  are very very sincere.

"One " have mention that" back to basic".
WarLord shares his views ...
He had  been  hashing  for 36 years
30years ago and now is entirely different says WL 
I will not be able to take it. Hash has been developing...its dynamic ..according to what people want..
People don't use gps to set run those days.
People don' t drink whiskies finger food...
Basic ...have a peace of mind come here to relax...thats basic.

Basic cannot  clap hands...raise your left  hand..
Flinstones ages No taking bath...
When i newly run at Klang hash club as a guest... i saw people  carry water... wtf.?..says WL.
After run ..Eat some kachang ..go back...that it.

WL really pity GM...because GM take it so hard.
Talking about Quality hashers...half of you will f....k off...(no  qualify)
How do you define quality...
You can Run faster than me but I can swim faster....How??

Some of you run and don't join quality.?
We don't want to compare.
Paying your yearly subscription on time is good quality.

We all come from diverse background and able to run and sit  togather and t3t4 is good.
I have a little experience. Managing club sub. base club
Normally a non profit club...providin g services.
It is obscene for club to accumulate so much money.
You are collecting too much from members.
Why are we not spending  enough for the members? Keep just enough to operate the club.
Whatever surplus 
Our source of income is from the guest.
Some guest complaint RM30 got no beer! Still people want to come to Gasing! Actually rules are bad for Club. Rules constrict is very bad..says War Lord.
Guest comes here also must be quality.
What nonsense is this.
You guys keep opposing guest keep coming to Gasing.
When guest comes here do you feel pain ask GM? This is really stupid.!
Guest comes here because of you guys and not because of GM.
I will only  stay untill march 27th 2018.

JMS took over the box..greeting members and guest good evening.
Come with an open mind , we are like brothers and sisters and we see each other more often than them.
Silent was call to the box to share his story.. water here  can used the 
As bathroom.
Run site was flooding...just use the natural water to flush away lor.! LOL!
Song Bird share ...
Reserch from London.
-farting is healthy , the person who smells it is even healthier...LOL!!
Jm Lazar announce next 3 weeks run...
1. One Zero - Taman Tun Teja .near Tesco Rawang.
2. Arun- Virgin Hare - TTDI
3.Speedo - Bukit Laggong

Big Mouth Monkey rated todays run 8 points.

Hare Soh Mui Mui thank members and guest for coming and their warmest support.

Hare SMM was iced for only set run half way complaining leg pain.
Amanda- Blooming Florist was iced 
For Ice box miss her so much.
Lucky.C was iced for saying  he can drink wiskies with you till dawn for tomorow is a holiday for him.Grey Devil was iced for having bad flu and need a boost on the butt.
Cocky was also iced simultaneously for trying to bribe GM sponsoring beers for his up coming run.
Smooth Face and Cindy was iced for being the Happiest Couple at this moment .
JMS Song Bird was iced for selling off her Pan Asia ticket and visiting Sokcho for happy happy ...and WLord says he is  not happy" ini korea run ini run talak kerbau or lumbu only."

GM suggest bring WLord..go to Japan...go accross the sea .
You get everything from A to Z 
Z1 service avail.first class service from Japanese Women.

Thank you hare for the grubs , whisky and extra beers

Scribe by Blue Bird

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