Saturday, March 11, 2017

Run # 946 on 7th March at Wawasan, hare by Pocahontas, rated 8.0 points by Medic

Hare corner:
Previous Run # 830 on 16th Dec 2014 at Setia Alam hared by Pocahontas and rated 9.0 by Baby Chameleon
Ruth Yap was brought to hash by J Lo 5 years ago. She is member of GH5, Kepong Hash 4, MKH4 and apparently intending to join one more chapter. Her hash name "Pocahontas"was given by Baby Monkey because she is fairly tall with long hair and run fast and the 'shadow" looks like Pocahontas, haha....... Her profession is Beautician, so if any of the gentlemen need your face to be overhauled, maybe she can "sand paper" it for you! Pocahontas appreciate the loving and caring environment of GH5 and wishes everyone good health and she wants to thank all her sponsors who help to make her run successful particularly Lachar, GM and JM and the rest.
On On to Pocahontas for making extra effort to make the run special with top five medals for men and women but then again it is the back runner that needs more encouragement! Thank you for the extra beer and free grub as well.

Hare updates:
Q; What do you want to say to GH5 members?
Thank you GH5 members for coming to my run, thank you GM for the sponsorship and also Thanks to Lachar, my good friend.
Q. If you can do something for GH5 , what will it be?
A; I just do my best when in any GH5 functions....
Q: What has Hash done for you?
A: Hash has make me feel like a family and I enjoy running in the forest.
Q: What have you done for hash?
A;I will always do my run and will do my best!

Run scribe written by GM
GM started the circle late at 9pm since most of the hashers were out by 8.30pm~8.45pm. The last 5 hashers were out by almost 10pm. Today's run is very slippery and 80% of the trial is new to GH5.
As usual GM greeted the floor a very good evening. Grey Devil was called out to announce the next 3 weeks run.
Next week is Piss Stop in Bk Lagong. Follow by our Gasing AGM run in Bk Subang. The following week is Emas tag run in Kota Damansara.
GM announced that those who are interested to take up any of the elected posts can filled up the nomination papers latest by 14 March n submit to On Sec.
GM called out shit face to comment on the 1st Hiking trip to Bk Kutu. Shit Face without hesitate ice Medic for parking his car after the river and got blocked preventing him from leaving. He iced Gold finger for instead of going to Bk Kutu but ended up in Bk Fraser. Shit Face iced GM being the first to have his wantan mee in the coffee shop whereas others still waiting even though arrived earlier.
GM iced Shit Face for not giving any comments on the hiking but instead ice those hashers.. GM so did the commenting 
-the treks were relatively easier than G. Angsi even Bk Kutu is higher
-the surrounding was much pleasant and beautiful 
-on a difficulty  scale of 10 Bk Kutu is rated 6
GM invited first time guests and given an on down.
GM called out Bonzai the OC for the Hiking trip n commented job well done. GM also stressed out 2 important points that the OC had done: marking attendance of all those present and waiting for the late comers. GM highlighted that future OCs should follow.
GM iced Gold Finger again for reaching the peak looking for a place to shit and Tag Along was iced even though he breathing heavy and noisy still looking for secluded place to smoke where GM catched him.
GM iced Lazar even on a Sunday his mind still not at ease and peaceful but have a dirty mind about Lady Bird how she bite the banana.
Wild Boar n Lembek were having holidays in Sydney but GM noticed that Lembek was smiling the whole evening but wild boar looks very tired(hard work in Sydney) and hash songs no ohm at all. GM iced him.
GM commented that circle is the highlight of any hash run and to put hasher on ice is a privilege is a recognition and being popular. The reasons on ice can be any rubbish or nonsense from conversation, at runsite, from chat grp or any events/ actions
Medic did the run rating with 8 points. Hare gave her speech and gave out Lucky draws to the floor and prices to the 1st five man and 1st five women runners. 1st man runner was our Lucky cock and the women is Joanne from PJ Harriets
GM thanks the Hare for her prise n lucky draw events. 

Toy Boy n Baby Chameleon were iced for being absence from Gasing far too long

But GM also iced the Hare for not setting the run. GM said no excuses for not doing so because in Gasing the turn for each hare is 26 months so you have ample time for your run preparation.
Was getting late GM officially closed the circle and thanks the guests and members for thier patience at this hour.

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