Sunday, November 9, 2014

Run # 824 on Nov 4th at Penchala Link, hared by Spicy Cili and rated 10 points by Fish Shit

Hare Corner:

Spicy Cili joined hash in year 2001 and was brought to GH5 by V-Power. Her original hash name of Cili Padi was given by Kangaroo because she is petite and outspoken. Because there is another member with similar named as Cili Padi in GH5 who is famous for running, Spicy Cili felt the honor should go to her and change the name to Spicy Cili with the approval of the committee. GH5 is her only hash chapters and she had held various committee post over the past 13 years from Joint Mistress to On Sex and etc. Spicy Cili 's real name is Karen See Youk Chee and her profession is Domestic Engineer! 

Thank you to Spicy Cili for the extra beer and whisky and good food at Super Tanker!

Circle started at 830PM today with GM welcoming the first time guest Steve Lai brought by Grey Devil. Next Bull Dog, Eric The Prick and Mr.World were given on down to help to transport the beer from the beer wagon which feel into the drain. Golden Eye was iced for her return to GH5 as member. Sepuluh Lima was given an on down for his conferment as "Almost Dato". Lily was iced for two weeks in a row requested for water but did not use it. Grey Devil was appointed as the OC to lead the delegation to PJ Animales' night. Stumpy was given and on down for completing the run and was able to name GM's name and sweeper Piss Stop who helped him out. Goldie Mei was given an on down for representing GH5 to KTHHH and brought back a nicely framed turtle souvenir, GM started an auction and managed to raise RM300 for  Charity and the highest bidder was Left Ball. The run rater was Fish Shit today and he rated 10 points for today's run. 

The Hare thanked Mad Dog and Push Up for  providing the finger food and thank Bonsai for recee and help to set the run and thank everyone for coming. Also thank you to Shitface for sponsoring one bottle of whisky. Spicy Cili iced Push Up for telling everyone to come to her run on 11-11-14 but On Sex's run is not important.  Touch and Gold was iced when he requested for pen to sign in/out of the attendance sheet when it was there on the folder. JM Left Ball took the box and  BMM was iced when he wanted water to be filled with the free tumbler. Next Warlord was iced when he said he can get 10 tables of Bangla to fill up GH5 15th Anniversary dinner. Wood Pecker was iced when he saw Sleeping Beauty doing checking and promptly tell her beautiful girl do not have to do checking but can stand there to chit chat with him. Bonsai and Gold Finger was iced for expediting Golden Eye's entry back to GH5. Bonsai and Spicy Cili  was iced for not doing sweeper duty but appointed someone else to do it. Shitface was the Buzzard today and he iced JM for short notice to appoint him. Thong was honored over the last week end for complete Viper Challenge and Dualthalon. The circle had to end early because the on on was at Super Tanker Damansara kim.

Bonsai & Spicy Cili appointed other sweeper!

Ask beautiful girl not to do checking!

The Run Rater.
Thong completed Viper Challenge and Dualthalon!

Tumbler does not come with water meh?

Always inform last minute to be Buzzard!

Please come to my run on 11-11, it is more important than On Sex's run!

The Turtle that raised RM300 for Charity!

Rear-entry back to become GH5 member!
Thank you to Bull Dog, ETP and Mr .World for retrieving the beer!
Testing Stumpy's memory!
The two Lily'

The almost "Dato"

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