Saturday, April 5, 2014

Run #792 by La Cha at Desa Aman Puri on 1st April 2014 rated 8.5 by Kim Chi.

Hare Corner:

La Cha, La Char, Nazha, NeZha? There had been too many version of spelling for his name, so from today  onward, we shall follow what was printed on the April 1st 2014 hash T-shirt given out by the Hare and it is stated as La Cha! This hash name was given by Messy of Subang Wanker and La Cha did not why he was given this hash name. La Cha joined hash 4 years ago and was brought to hash by Char Siew of Subang Wanker. He is current member of Hakka Hash and GH5 and was a member of Subang Wanker and a frequent guest of PJ Harriets. La Cha is a businessman and major player in sticker/label printing for packaging and also into some small scale property development. His message to GH5 member is " I am happy to be a member of Gasing Hash" La Cha was voted into the committee of GH5 for 2014/2015 term.

 Today's run was 4.34Km in distance, GM called On On at 6PM sharp, the Hare and Co-hare were out from setting the run and there were many guests on site when news traveled hare is giving away Whisky and Free Trip to korea. The trail started from the left of the school compound along the fencing, and began a small climb towards the walking path of this Salem High Country scenery. The trail turn right after about 500Ms and it was a back check and most of the front runner had to reverse to join the walker, the trail goes up hill and then down hill and make a left turn into the rubber plantation area, the short cutter already decided to short cut along the mud road. Two Korea ladies from Kepong Hash 4 decided to short cut as well but finally came back to run site at 745PM when those follow the paper were back by 720PM. After entering into the rubber plantation trail, it was all the way up to 406M elevation to the so call "Pinus Peak" , from here on, it was down hill all the way on the steep descend towards the right side of the school. 

 Thank you to LaCha for the nice T-shirt, free food, all the beers you can drink, one dozen of Whisky and free Whisky and Free Trip to those who found the paper "gift" along the trail. 

Welcome to the GM of many chapters who came to support La Cha's run!

 Circle started at 815PM. Newly elected GM Bonsai took to the box and welcome all the GM and representative from the various chapters. Harriet's girl Sleeping Beauty was supposed to be iced when she came for the run when she heard of the "Korean Do" give away. Hi-Lo was given an on down for coming to support the circle. Puan Sri was called to ice when she forgotten her sweeper duty but Dato Tan sri was happily to sit on her behalf.JM LeftBall took the box and announced that the committee will run the club with transparency and we were like the first chapter of the clean book and shall start anew.  G7 GM Wild Boar announced that G7 will have their 5th Anniversary do on July 11 2014 and damage is RM60. Those interested are to registered with Kim Chi and Pocahontas. Run site is Desa Mininium. Buzzard for today was Shitface and he gladly iced Left Ball for not doing the job and appointed him instead. Jungle Women was iced for throwing quaci shell on the ground. LaCha gave out the winner of the Macallan and the trip was given to Kirei Kimono. Blur Blur was iced for smoking and so was Piss Stop and Gin Kok when they were smoking while circle was going on. Ah Tuck and May Phuah were christened as Wood Pecker and Flamingo respectively.

The appointed Committee members!Semen, BangCock, Kirei Kimono, Gold Finger, Piss Stop, Pocahontas, Shitface and Warload.

The On Sex and GM are sleeping together to ensure seamless communication or copulation!

Today is first lesson and we are using the new book..............................

Joint Mistress-Taking care of Ministry of  Women's "Affairs"

Catching the litter bugs!

 Kirei Kimono was the winner of the "Koren Do", may be Korean Barbecue?

The Ma Cai Lan winner!

 I, Ah Tuck and May Phuah from today onward shall denounced my given name by my parents.I shall only response when I am called by my Hash name. I shall support all GH5 events generously and shall donate 10% of my monthly income to GH5. I shall donate the most expensive car from my vast collection for GH5 GM'S official use. Becuase i always tuck, tuck, tuck away along the trail, i shall be known as Wood Pecker from today onwards and my sleeping partner shall be name Flamingo for her beauty!

Even Koren girls wanted a free tickets back to Korea!