Saturday, February 9, 2013
Xi Jinping's pre CNY message
China's leader Xi Jinping welcomes criticism on the eve of Chinese New Year (click here)
When Abdullah Badawi was in office as PM he wanted to rectify many things but the "powers-in-the-corridors" resisted everything that was a threat to their interest. Hence his stay in office was short-lived.
Senator Zaid Ibrahim was the defacto Law Minister during Abdullah's tenure as PM. He tried to change things, and again the "powers-to-be" resisted and he totally quit UMNO altogether.
When Hu Jintao was in office he too tried to change many things but the police chiefs and supreme council were still those alligned to Jiang Zemin like Bo Xilai who has since been arrested last year. Hu Jintao could not do too much wrt certain internal problems in China. Since the last party elections 第十四次全国代表大会 Jiang's power has diminished.