Co-hare : Campari
Venue : Royal Klang Town
Rating : pts
Run Rating Conducted by :
First Group out :
Last Group out :
Checking :
Temperature : 31 CWeather: Excellent (Heard that the 2 Hares spent RM200 for Bomoh Ali to keep the rain away)
Run Site
The car park beside Ah Heng's Kedai Bak-kut-teh was temporarily converted into our run site. It's "vely" safe as The Klang Mafia controls this place. The 3 Mafia Tai Kor being, Ah Heng, Postman and Sepuluh-Lima.
The Run
This is the first time within memory that we had our run in concrete jungle!! The 2 hares and their lady co-hares (Campari, Amanda) made us run/walk along busy streets, back lanes, railway track, big bridge small bridge ... crossing the not so clean Klang river (2 times) ... passing by Stadiums, Hospital, Little India, Schools, Pubs, Recreational park, Government offices, big building small building and not forgetting the bloody Pondan hostel!
The run started with a short hop-over at a Pub where beers were served. And to the delight of our Hashers, there was this Pondan Hostel right opposite the Pub. The transvestites were shirtless and standing at the window showing off their well developed bodies to our guys. The guys "punya batang pun sudah naik", but our GM V-power told them to cool down as real girls will show their boobs but not their nipples!?
The trail continued through some narrow streets until the Public Bank junction where the Hares laid the 1st check. Members and guests (totalling more than 60) fanned out to look for clues. Prince Charming Ben said it's only a "baby check".
Back runners, Kai Si Wong, Heartbreaker Sharon, Songbird, Warlord and me (Hong Kee) came to this check 10 minutes later and initially were not able to find the connecting paper. Suddenly from one of the shops, Phang Joe jumped out and shouted at Sharon in cantonese, "Paper kor toe ah! Lei mun ka" (Paper there la. You blind one ah). Feeling embarrassed, we quietly continued our run ....
By then, Songbird and Warlord had to return to base as Warlord was still having knee problems. Lesson to learn: Too much sex can weaken your knees.
We then crossed the big bridge to the other side of town. After labouring through busy traffic, the trail took us to a recreational park. A bit of uphill climb here and after another 30 minutes we were pleasantly surprised to see Baby Monkey, Campari and Amanda serving beers and toddy (fermented coconut flower juice) from his pick-up truck. There was another beer-stop along the Bridge Over River Klang. 1st runner came back ... oops, I don't know what time it was, as on the way back, I joined Baby Crocodile, Warlord, HardyBoy and 2 Belgium Hashers at a coffee shop drinking beer.
The Circle
Circle started at 9:00pm with GM's usual address. The 6 Virgin guests (including the notorious HardyBoy who has never joined our run before) introduced themselves to our members. Members listened attentively and later posed some witty questions which cannot be printed here.Subsequently, the next 3 runs were announced, Jungle Woman in Kinrara, Baby Crocodile in Semenyih and Tau Cheong Sui in Bkt Idaman. REMINDER: Jungle Woman informed that food will be served on-site. So please bring own cutlery sets (preferably recycle ones). We are Eco-Hash ma... Also ask your guests to do so. But it's OK if you forget, can buy cutlery set from Jungle Woman at RM5 each and money will go to Club's coffer!! Thank you, ya!
The 2 guests from Belgium sportingly rendered some versions of their hash songs.
And yes, Baby Crocodile was also iced for not running today although he is local Klang boy (For those who do not know him, he is the richest man in Klang ... sshhh ...don't tell anyone, please. TQ.)
There was also a CPR (it's Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) demo by Baby Monkey on Silent Gorilla. Though funnily acted out, we need to take note of this emergency procedure. Click on the diagram, at right, to have an overview of the procedure but would be good if you can attend the actual course on CPR.
The F and B (Food and Beer)
Baby monkey:010 900 9000, Big crazy cxxk:012 202 4644,Lucky cxxk:012 609 4211,Sepuluh-lima:012 299 5358, Postman:019 22 111 86,Campari:012 389 5773
See google map below for Direction to Run#596 run site. Blue line starts from Bukit Raja Toll (NKVE).
View Baby Monkey & Big Crazy Cock run site (Klang) in a larger map
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