Sunday, November 10, 2013

Run # 771 on 5th Nov at Jalan Zoo View, Hare by Q-Shit and rated 8.5 points by Push Up.

Hare Corner,
Wong Ah Sing is his name who sounds like a cash register ringing and singing all the time at the Wangsa Maju Food Court. The story of why he joined hash was very interesting, he was having a bad flu and always have chest congestion, one hash friend suggested he tried hashing in 1997, he did and get the health was much improved, as always, the rest is history. His first chapter was PJ Harriets in 1997, in year 2010, some how he heard about GH5 and came by himself, his first run was the Chinese New Year Celebration run at Genting, OC by Tan Sri. His Hash name was due to the fact he booked a Q-5 but insisting on a diesel version which until today never materialized in Malaysia market, so we award him a Q-Shit hash name instead. Q-Shit currently is member of PJ Harriets, GH5 and Sunday Hash. 

This is a new run site for GH5, the hash sign was world class but a few was lost but managed to arrive on time, the in trail was along the cow shed with Coco Channel No5, BS fragrance permeating the ventilating lung, after which it was all the way up hill to the top of Melawati Hill with elevation of 330M, it was a good steep climb and is the only hill, the scenery on top was breathtaking and after which it was all the way down hill and a good view of the KL City Skyline. The front runners were back by 45 minutes and the back runners were out by 730PM. The total distance was 5.52KM.

The circle started with Baby Monkey calling another Monkey which escaped from Zoo Negara to sit on ice. Next Prince Charming were given a translation task to cite in Hokkien what is Giraffe, Zebra and Sabun. Buzzard Piss Stop took to the box and ice Push Up and Cili Padi for not knowing where is Zoo Negara. Olive was littering her towel along the trail and was given an on down. Bonsai and Popeye were iced for using the not so clever GPS and ended up at different location. Pocahontas was given an on down for being the first lady runner even ahead of Cili Padi of Kajang. Push Up was the run rater and iced Mag Dog for coming to the run today because Push Up promised to bring two beautiful or bountiful guests. Mystery Whip Mad Dog iced Sanwat for  staring at him and asked "See what? Looking at my cock face?". Peacock Hair and guests were anti-social and sat 50 Meters away from the circle. First time guests Cute-Cute from KH4 were interviewed by Mad Dog. Food was on site by the Kepong Hash caterer which is getting popular, at one time it was always Roast pork,Charsiew and Chicken. Big hand to Q-shirt for the food and extra beer.

Monkey calling Monkey on ice.

No idea where is Zoo Negara.

Getting faster and faster...........

Promised to bring two ladies but never fulfill her promise.

See what cock? (In Cantonese!)

Always trying to impress all ladies hasher!

I come because of ladies not because of hash.

Thank you everyone for coming to my run, i like to thank my father, mother for their dedication in making what I am today............................I am proud to be Q-Shit.