Saturday, October 26, 2013

Run #769 at Pantai Hill Park on 22nd Oct Hared by Silent Gorilla and rated 9.5 points by guests Cunnilingam

Hare Corner,

Siew Chee Ming is one of the Taiko along Old Klang Road dealing with second hand Old Luxury Marques. In Hash, he is known as Silent Gorilla. His Hash name was given in KH4 because he was quiet, big size and big bums and walk like a Gorilla, however he wanted members to know things have changed since he joined hash, the name need to be changed to "Noisy Slim Chimpanzee" now as he is is very noisy and much slimmer than before. He currently runs with GH5 and KH4 and was brought to hash by Baby Crocodile in 2007. He was the ex On Cash of GH5 as well.

Photo: Silverback mountain gorilla

Dato Seri Dr Lord was coldly welcome to the throne for his conferment and also failure to come to GH5 run, now we knew he was working towards his "Dato Seri Ship", he was also a suspect in altering GH5 run trail when he went in for the run at 530PM, Popeye the sailor-man was caught blowing his pipe though he sat far away. Front Running Bastard Prince Charming and Yakitiyak was iced for not able to break the check. Hare of the day, Silent Gorilla chased our only Mad Dog away for there was no abalone on the treat but the Stray Dogs were allow to eat the scraps. 

6 new members were welcomed and unveiled to the thunderous applause as there were more ladies than men for once. Please note new member's pledge!

"I hereby apply to join GH5 as a member. I pledged i shall pay my subscription on time and will fulfill my responsibility to set my run when due. I will support and contribute to ALL GH5 events wholeheartedly. I shall not hold the club responsible for any injury, insult or gain in waist line, lost of memory or money. I shall not involved in hash politics and will obey GH5 constitution and govern by GH5 Hash culture. I shall hold true to the sacred principles of Hash whereby Hash is non political, non religious and non commercial! If I should resign, i shall set my run and pay my subscription up to date, my resignation is consider official via email, sms or verbally informing the GM or On Sex"

Joint Mistress Loud Chick announced the D&D do and again remind everyone to sign up early.Member RM100 and guests RM150. Lucky Cock was given recognition for he is not sure to trust which Dr on his blood vessel.
GM was iced for impromptu requesting Song Bird to come to the box. GM further mentioned he was sicked for 12 days but no one knows because he never informed anyone, so in future, if you are sick, please send out a message on whatsapp group, so we can send e-flower and get well message! Buzzard Left Balls iced Silent G for the poor second check. Blur Blur said the run was up and down like E=mc2 but smoke does not behave that way and was iced as well. Semen left his walking stick last run and was returned after cooling the arse. Mystery Whip Bijis iced new member Ah Tuck for being talkative and was given a taste of the ice throne. Munster was iced for insisting to be a permanent guest. Stumpy was iced for drastic improvement for able to over take Adam and even Heart Breaker. Lord. the legal advisor for free for GH5 suggested GH5 constitution be change to admit more female and GM be limited to a few minutes on the box. Thanks to Silent Gorilla for the extra beer, whisky and Noodle soup.