Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Run #759 at Taman Wawasan on 13th August 2013, Hare by Stiff Stick and rated 6.5 points by Jungleman

Hare Corner:
 This is Steve Lee's second time as a Hare with GH5, he joined in 2010 and was brought in to GH5 none other than our lovely Stumpy. His Hash name is Stiff Stick and was given by V-Power, rumours has it his erection is as stiff as a stick or his demeanor is Stiff as a Stick? He only hash with GH5 and do attend some Celebration Run. Stiff Stick's profession is Car Paint Jobs, so if your car or ladies needs a cosmetic or make up, he is the men to look for!
The run head straights into the shrubs and after 50M or so began the steep climb for about 100M to the usual walker's trail, soon first check was called and the trail led to the Puchong direction for another 300M and turn right into the secondary jungle, from here it was mostly new trail and slight up and down and crossing a number of streams and finally emerged at the normal home trail for most of the run here. The first runner was out by 710PM and the last runner was out by 730PM, it was a well set run with 5.0km in length and good effort in creating a new trail. 

Working also no so hard, co-hare is harder!

After the first check..............

What a beautiful picture of Puchong!

Attention, please stand for the GM to ascend the throne! Prince Charming was first on ice because to save the beer was most important even he falls into the drain. Kim Chi left her chair at the run site and was asking around and it was returned to her after she sat on ice. Wild Boar reported on the Freedom Run details and various assignment for the run. Please be reminded run fee for guests is RM100 for Freedom Run. Titanic reported Rose Chan, Tau Cheong Sui, Quack Quack and Thorny Prick has yet to pay up the subscription for 2013. Left Ball, OC for Family Do and Buzzard for today reported Family Do tentatively fix on December 7-9 and room rate is RM270 nett and resort is Damai Laut at Lumut. He also iced Bonk for not able to hear On On when everyone can hear. Second Buzzard Shitface took to the box and announced the Monkey Family ( Baby Monkey, Big Mouth Monkey and Silent Gorilla)will organize the next Karaoke do. Joint Mistress Loud Chick announced the GH5 annual dinner is scheduled on Jan 18 2014 and she expects full support as you have been given ample notice. The theme is Floral and Colors and there will be dance competition.

Kim Chi's Do, Re, Mi and Fa......great mum and reminiscent of the Gasing H5 good old days whereby children usually come during the holiday period.

Mum, this is third time you are on ice as narrated by Kim Chi's daughter!

Complained about Karaoke and yet not there, also commented Kim Chi is a good "reproducer".

Guests who littered!

Next week's hare whom did not perform his "sweeper" duty!

Could not hear On On when everyone can hear!

Teau gai pun ya teau, ma kai se ?

The Jungle men who got lost in Puchong Jungle!

Got Cramp during the run because there is no air conditioning during the run!

I, Kenny of unsound mind, hereby denounced my given name and shall only response to my hash name. I will support all GH5 events by donating generously, I shall also contribute 10% of my monthly income to GH5 charity fund. Because I lost my Rolex watch after the GH5 annual dinner, I shall be named as LOLEK!, this is how typical china men would pronounce it!

The Run Rater!

The Hare Speech: Thank you for coming to my run!

Semen narrates why he was having hyper ventilation, remedy: to breath into a plastic bag is the solution!

Dinner is served! Thank you to the Hare for the free makam and extra beer after the circle!