Friday, August 9, 2013

A Selamat Hari Raya message on what makes GH5 a great club and what makes a good hash man!

All members please do not take GH5 for granted, everyone of us is DISPENSABLE IN GH5, WE NEED THE CLUB MORE THAN THE CLUB NEEDS YOU, SO LET'S TREASURE THE CAMARADERIE THAT WE HAD BUILT UP OVER THE YEARS.  The club has to be managed with a consistent policy and can not assume one can come and go as they please,we did not get to be a good club by accident but by painfully building a good membership profile by the Darwinian theory of Survival Of the Fittest.
This bring us to the next point about the kind of members we want. Ideally aspiring member should hash for few months before joining any new chapters to cater for the cooling off period, as we had witness many times, some new guests were so keen on the first few runs but after some times, they will be gone after the excitement is over due to many reasons. In the case of GH5, we also like new members to understand about the Club's history, culture and socialize with all the members and know their hash names, respect the circle, and fulfill your Hare duty and pay your subscription on time and every time.
Also existing and potential members must also understand Hash is non political, non religious and non commercial! Also please do not be a bloody cheapskate and try to take advantage of others and also wants to be "Cha Free" and Free Loader and avoiding paying up, this is a turn-off behaviour and set a bad example for new member as well. If you had always drink some one's whisky, do bring a bottle to share with others, if someone had always buy you a beer, do buy others a beer! In a way, hash is a luxury and not a necessity, so do pay your fair share.
Hashing is fun and the most economical way to de stress and to make many new friends and take you to places one normally do not venture. Hash also can be a platform for one to develop one's personality be it positive or negative, it challenges ones self discipline and self control(Run, Alcohol, Food, Opposite Sex and Self Interest), it challenges your integrity, honesty and character, hash history has proven many times hash is very cruel, you can do many  good things and one screw up is sufficient to destroy the good reputation built up over the years, the point is 
"Hash demands100% Integrity".
Hashing politics is also one area we can do without. If one is keen to serve the club and has the right credentials and good leadership skills  and has the time to devote to GH5, please do voice out and generally members are intelligent enough to judge and make the right decision. Time flies and everyone who are willing to serve will get their chance to serve the club, so we just need to be patient and do not need to hurry.
In conclusion, hash is fun but one need to make a conscious effort to be fair and exert the highest integrity at all time!
On On and good Hashing!