Are you experiencing a kind of inner fatigue, or a sagging in the spirit?
Or perhaps your physical body feels a little run down!!!!
Well, be enlightened on the timeless principles of healthy living.
The key to your renewal is to know your Creator. Turn to the Ageless One. If He is the fountain of life, is He not then the fountain of youth?
“Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.” Wait on Him and He shall renew your strength. You shall mount up with wings like eagles.
There are three key areas for a wholesome renewal: our emotions, our spiritual life and the physical body. Invariably, each will affect the other. We humans are a psychosomatic whole of mind, body and spirit. For us to be completely healthy, all areas must be well.
Let the Creator renew you emotions
Our emotional equilibrium can affect our spiritual well being. If our emotions are downcast, prayer is difficult, if not impossible. Talk of joy and peace sounds like empty platitudes and God seems so remote, a distant relative rather than a heavenly Father.
Emotional stress, too, can cause all sorts of chemical imbalances and has been linked to all sorts of physical ailments. Prolonged stress can cause ulcers, hypertension, and chronic headaches, to name a few. This can “open the door” to many fatal diseases by depressing your immune system.
We can begin by being honest with God about our feelings. Wrestle through all your struggles with God, and you will discover how His love can heal you if you are prepared to plumb the depths of your emotions and relate them to Him. A humble confiding of one’s deep feelings to God and embracing His love is a surer road to recovery than a deep searching of the psychological sciences. Engage the Lord in depth with your emotions and He will touch you with His tenderness. A love that never ends, never fails.
Let the Creator renew your spirit
“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” Those that feed on the living Word shall live. We must continually seek fresh bread, and not live off the dry, old and infested manna of the world.
We must “serve God in newness of spirit”. Our spirit must remain fresh and new. Draw from Him and allow God’s words to soak in your heart, for are they not health to a man’s whole body? Many spiritual truths only reach a believer’s mind; they have no root in their spirit. That is why their spirit remains weak. They can never bear the fruit of the Spirit, cannot walk according to the Spirit, and cannot overcome in battle.
A stale spirit cannot effectively serve God. It cannot touch the hearts of people because it has not been touched anew by God. A stale spirit cannot see true life because it has not seen God. For our spirit to be fresh we must always be touching God. Let Him continually renew your spirit.
Let the Creator renew your body
There are many principles of healthy living in relation to the “body” in the Creator’s manual. The body is important; otherwise, God would not have given man a body. Although our emotions and spirit are healthy and renewed by the Lord, we will not have complete wellness of being if our outward body is not healthy and renewed according to the Spirit and His word.
Remember, “The body is…for the Lord.”.
The original cause of man’s fall was food. God has a lot to say about our food intake. Food must be sanctified not only by prayer, but also by his word.
Much contemporary knowledge on healthy eating such as avoiding animal fats was made known by God a few thousand years ago. The cardiovascular benefits from moderate use of wine was also revealed .
No doubt God gives us all good things to enjoy and we must not forget that the purpose of eating is so we can be strong and healthy. However, eating and drinking was not meant to be an indulgence and taken to excess.
Many diseases can be avoided by a proper diet. This covers diabetes, hypertension, obesity, lipid disorders, gout, degenerative joint disease, ischemic stroke, gall bladder disease, heart disease and some types of cancers.
You are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Therefore glorify God in your body, by eating healthily. Eat balanced meals with plenty of vegetables, fruits, fibre, vitamins and minerals. Avoid saturated fats.
We must not only exercise our mind and spirit, but also the body. Regular exercise can confer wonderful benefits to your health. It increases the good cholesterol, and burns off the excess calories that could be detrimental to your health.
Discipline your body, and keep it fit.
Man’s search for complete well-being will never end till he finds God. Only the word of God which is living and powerful can penetrate us to renew the soul and spirit, joints and marrow He created in us.