Monday, March 18, 2013

Deeper Health (9)

There are various types of meditation – coming to God and sitting at His feet is the best known, but there is also TM (Transcendental meditation), and Eastern Meditation like Zen meditation, Buddhist meditation, Taoist meditation and, of course, yoga.

All have something similar in common and that is to quiet the busy mind. The intention is not to remove stimulation but rather to direct your concentration to one healing element – one sound, one word, one image, or one’s own breathing.

At the outset let me say that meditation is not a New Age concept; it is a biblical discipline. The Creator never instructs us to direct our thoughts inward or on other elements, or to adopt a passive state of mind. We are to maintain an active state of mind and direct our thoughts towards Him. But first we must know God personally. His peace that transcends all understanding will guard our hearts and mindMeditate on the Scripture until your heart feels the peace and joy of God, and embrace the truth of His word that will set you free from your burdens.

Health Conditions that Benefit from Meditation
  • Stress control
  • Pain management
  • Drug addiction
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart Disease
  • Respiratory Crises (asthma, emphysema and chronic obstructive airway disease)
  • Irritable bowel disease
  • Tension headaches
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Psychological conditions: repressed memory, depression, panic attacks

How meditation works?

When we become still, our metabolic rate falls, oxygen consumption becomes less and the heart rate becomes slower. During meditation, blood pressure stays at “low levels” with normal persons but falls markedly in persons starting meditation with abnormally high levels.

Meditation reduces activity in the nervous system. The parasympathetic branch of the autonomic or involuntary nervous system will predominate. This is the branch responsible for calming us down.

During a state of anxiety and tension, there is a rise in the level of lactate in the blood. Lactate is a substance produced by metabolism in the skeletal muscles. During meditation lactate levels in the blood decrease at a rate four times the rate of decrease in non-meditators resting on their backs or in the meditators themselves in pre-meditation resting.