Monday, September 18, 2017

Run # 973 on 12th Sept at BK6, Freedom and Founder's Run, OC by Gold Finger, rated ?? By??

Hare corner:

Gasing Hills Hash House Harrier& Harriets was formed in 1999 by Kangaroo, Gold Finger, Bull Dog and Hi-Lo. The inaugural run was on 26 Jan 1999. The guiding principles of  GH5  is quality Family & Eco-friendly Hash. Membership today stands at around 105. The weekly attendance is around 60 between members and guests.
 The past Grand Master of the chapters were Kangaroo, Gold Finger, Piss Stop, Hardcore, V-Power, Baby Monkey & Bonsai! The current GM is Left Ball.
Thank you to OC Gold Finger for the hard work to make this event a success. 

GH5 will continue to be a Family oriented and Eco-Friendly hash chapter.  Thank you to the many guests on your continuous support!

Founders Run
Gm greets members and guest good evening.
Smooth Face was Iced for giving wrong information saying his wife Cindy was not feeling well.
Today is Founders  run but only 2 founders are present here..GF and Hi Lo is here.
We Gasing here are  about 19 years old and had evolved thru  the numbers of years ,time change..policy changed...but as GM never changed his hearts  the same.GH5 STARTED with  30 members and now 107members.
All are quality members ,as long as you  understand among your self you are  matured your teeth can bite your tongue but its still unity inside the mouth.
Yours both  eyes don't see each other but works perfectly and forgive each other..thats the moral of the story.
GF welcomes members and guest to the run...but no birds..are released..we all are matured members advised to pay attention to the one on the box.
Hi Lo advised hashers to be more eco friendly as our motto was "Eco friendly hash "chapter.
GD says room1119 used condom and did not settle the bill rm12.90 Silent Gorilla  and Thongs was Iced for MIA and unpaid bills respectively.
Still maintain the eco friendly motto.
Kimchi was Iced for she was carrying a big" tongkat ali" out from BK6 -not eco friendly.
Gold Finger was Iced for showing off his plan buying Audi R8 sports car.
Future GM Han Wan Nan was recognized on  iced -on down to Ex-GM GFinger and future GM.

Toto was welcomed to Gasing ON down.
Tuck In - updates Torch Light Run.thank you for all your generosity ..kindly bring your whiskies next week-pass to GD  thank you very much for your generosity  and co-operations..
Approximately 300 hashers from different chapters will be attending.
Klang Hash GM Baby Chameleon  from KH4  had promoted Gasing Torch Light Run a big hands for her support.
About 14 Chapters hashers are coming to our more the merrier.!!!
JMS wish members and guest Happy Founders Night.
Gunung Gab attendance  was not so responsive as we just finish our Betong Run.
Smooth face wants to celebrate Cindys 27th Birthday on the Box.
Cindy requested Smooth Face SEATED ON ICE And Birthday song was sung .
Cindy wants SF to tell fellow hashers 3 things he loved about her as follows:-
1.Very Loving 
2 Take care of family
3 Naturally Very comfortable with her .

Andropause....Silent Gorilla was indeed very noisy and no longer be call "Silent gorila."
Updated next 3weeks run
1 Hybrid - TTDI
2 Sam -Virgin Run -Sri Hartamas.
3 Torch Light Run - Bkt.Subang

GM says Smooth Face only got 3 items but he got 12 items why i love Lady i loved her ..etc.etc..Really GM..LOL!!@

Tag Along rated todays run 8 points for todays .
Thank you OC Gold Finger /and GH5  for the  food at Restaurant and extra Beers.

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