Friday, April 15, 2016

Run # 899 on 13th April at TTDI, hare by Titanic, rated 8.0 pint by Spicy Chili

Hare Corner:
Kevin Yong Kwok Chin was brought to Hash by his cousin Incredible Hulk in 2010. Titanic joined GH5 in 2011 and is also member of Kepong H4. He is often sighted in most Celebration Run. Titanic is Sales Manager with Gold Coast Morib International Resorts and is still single and available and looking for companion! His Hash name was given by GH5 former GM Baby Monkey after the most intense ever epic AGM battle since WWII,  a few ships were sunk and the tagline of jumping ship was coined and relates to the Titanic name, the name was partly due to the fact Titanic has been short cutting and gaining in waistline like a sinking ship.

I am more handsome now compared to 2013?
Titanic's previous Run #772 at Taman Wawasan on 12th Nov 2013 , rated 7 points by Grey Devil.
GM starts the circle at 8.39 pm sharp.
He call BangCock  to announce the next three run site
Semens was Iced by GM as he had been missing in action and busy ( Doing BMW -Busy Making Wang))
GM LB gave a gentle reminder that GH5 1st Committee meeting falls on 20/4 at Restaurant Choong Foong , Kg  .Subang.
Please come prepared with any matters / issues that needs attention -to be discuss in the meeting .
Whoever is free please come to the meeting , says GM .
Committee Members please make yourself available.
Soh Kow Kow and Mad Dog was iced by GM as they have not been recognized for sometime
James bonk and Tan Sri celebrated their birthdays recently , GM ask them did you buy any nice present for your wife during this occasion?
GM LB encourages husbands to give priority attentions to their wife and vice versa.( sounds like Banks Priority Banking!)
GM invited ExGM Bonsai and Spicy Chili to the box , as Bonsai have requested To changed Spicy's photo to a nicer one .
GM has one very important message  to share , in this world the most beautiful women was her understanding ,Her tender living  heart, her mind ,kidney and completeness of her whole body - it is your WIFE.!!
Your wife photo is the most valuable and Love able photo.
Silent was bombarded by GM for being influential to Cartoon ,
His mind was contaminated by Silent lately and Silent was told to keep the bad attitude to himself .
Spicy chili rated today's run 8 points
Hare Titanic would like to thank all members and guess for coming to his run and warm moral support .
At the same time Silent was also iced by Titanic for not doing a complete run at site today,
GM LB shared GH5 committee's are planning for our 1st hiking trip to Fraser’s Hill.
Please give your names to JM Song Bird if you are keen.
It's an adventurous and exciting 3D2N  event.
This hiking trip consist of 1hrs, 2hours and 6 hours trail, you can choose , you call the shots.!!!
Committee of GH5 will organize for you however transports and drinks will be on a sharing (AA) basis , please take note.
There will be BBQ Diner as well and the dates will be finalized soon. (Tentatively -June or July'16)
Warlord will be the person In Charge (OC)

JM Sing Bird took over the box , she share for those who just turn up there is an ongoing sharing weekly on the box .
Everyone could be invited to share on any topics, before proceeding further JM Song Bird Iced GM on behalf of Gasing GH5 ladies B'cos previously GM LB always complaining and making constructive criticism that Gasing ladies were expired, old, menopaused , etcetera .... The list was long winded...LOL...!!!
OMG .. GM ...GM ...
They remembered you(.. Ha ha ha ... Mana mau lari...!!!)
Now GM had repented and turn over a new leave and will always be obedient to ladies of GH5 and especially his wife Lady Finger .Cheers! And a Nice On Down !!!

Blue Bird was invited to share about our body's acidity and alkalinity.
Water is the source of life , to maintain a healthy and balance PH  Of alkaline state we must keep the body PH between 7 to 7.365
Anything below PH7 are acidic and it's bad for the body (body cells feels uncomfortable)
He highly recommends drinking warm lemon first thing in the morning in order to balance up the body PH and to kick starts the day
This will ensure a healthy PH and  healthy energy levels for the rest of the day.(Try it out guys!!
Hundred plus (100+ ) shared his enjoyment hashing and traveling for the past 20 years thus he loves picking up stuffs at garage sales.
Thank you 100 plus for the sharing.
GM shared his enjoyments inspiring GH5 from behind even though he was Iced, it's worth it says LB.!He further added if there are no constructive criticism there will be no growth or improvements.(even in household)
Bang cock shared the Inter-hash upcoming events as follows:

GM Invited Guest - Gilbert and Janice on box, to encourage them to join as members as they had been very active lately however prior to GM s and committee approvals they must past through the Gasing test...( Got to take more ginseng ya , to boost the memory bank)
Before closing the circle GM ice Mr World for not staying focus during the circle and he strongly encourages members and guest to respect the circle conducted by GM , just pay attention during this 1 hour circle. It's also a respect to your good self and the GH5 Chapter as well.
Thank you GM for the piece of advice hence  it ends with an on down and thank you to hare Titanic for the grubs provided and extras beers .cheers everyone!!!

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