Thursday, January 8, 2015

Run # 833 on Jan 6th at Cheras Awana hare by Hi Lily and rated 9.0points by Man Yau

Hare Corner:
Jun Yee Chee Kwan is the real name of Hi Lily who is the other half of Hi Lo. Hi Lo brought her to hash during the 1988 KL  Interhash.  Her hash name was given by Kangaroo of GH5, because there is a song of Hi Lo and Hi Lily. Hi Lily is the founding member of GH5 and is also member of RSC Hash. She is helping out in the family wholesale business of stones! Hi Lily is very happy to be part of GH5 and she hopes every member will enjoy themselves every week and be happy forever.

Thank you to Hi Lily for a good run and nice food and the extra beer.

Circle started at around 9PM today with Wild Boar taking the bard position. Dead Cock, a former hasher made was Stumpy’s driver today and he was welcome on the ice throne. At the same time GM invited all the Cock family out, namely Lucky Cock, Cocky, BangCcok and Gin “KoK”(Smoky Gin) for Silent Gorilla to translate their name into Mandarin. Our Professor in English did a lousy job and was iced.  GM further reiterate to ALL members that 100 Plus is to be consumed on site with the tab open and member should not carry un open can to their car. Anyone caught doing so will be referred to disciplinary committee.  MkH4 guest May was iced for abandoning her friend and continue the run herself, besides she wants to prove to Gm she is fit to complete the run while GM did not. PomChaCha was iced for saying he gave Gm a reason to reverse and also for giving reason why his wife should not come for hash because she wears high heel 6 days a week.  Cat Eye was iced when she did not know the run for the next three weeks.  Man Yau had the privilege to do the run rating and awarded a 9.0 points.   Left Ball took to the box and iced GM for suggesting merit point should be based on Lamb, whisky and Roast Pig! GM was iced again for suggesting to Silent Exercise is Sexercise. Kim Chi was iced for suggesting uncle Warlord gets up early. Lambo and Tai kam Che was iced when he try to hold her hand during the run.  Mafia was iced when he told Left Ball he needed to be charged by the sunlight before he can walk further. Semen was iced when he could not differentiate between a check and a broken check.  Man Yau was also iced when he injured his hand, he did not come for Gasing Run but he went for all kinds of commercial run. James Bond was iced for not reading the blog to find out more information on the run. Mystery Whip was Warlord today and JM was iced for two weeks’ in a row. Silent created a ruckus in the chat group when he request how to read the mandarin sentence from right to left and literally translate to The Lazy Cock is bigger than Cow. JM again was iced for always disturbing Warlord in the chat group. GM took back the box and iced Golden Eye for suggesting GM should sit on the beer crate instead of Left Ball’s  chair because my pant is wet. Cocky was iced for he was sitting on someone’s lost chair for the whole night. And since no one came forward to claim the chair and Cocky get to keep it for one more week.

Thank you for coming to my run!

Distributing goodies for 15th Anniversary Do.

The Young Chicks

When can I be GH5 members? No way, Over my live body!!!!Ha Ha....

Inspector checking on the theatre ticket if they are sitting on the correct row.

Thank you Soh Mui Mui for helping.

The "Cock" Translator!

Dead Cock

"May Day" of MKH4

PomCha Cha of MKH4

Cat Eye not paying attention!

First time doing run rating but can speak english!

Everything she also know...........

Every day GM sure kena ice one!

I want to hold your hand..............

Awtarman(Ultraman) Mafia needs sunlight to recharge after reaching the top!

Check? Broken check? what is the difference?

Two weeks in a row, appoints whip too late.

Golden Eye directed GM to sit on beer box and said my pants is too wet to sit on the fabric chair!

Keeping the lost chair to himself!

Dinner is served!

Handsome Ah Boy BMM

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