Sunday, August 31, 2014

Run #813 on August 26th at Desa Mininium, Hared by Founders & Freedom Run rated 8 points by Tan Sri.

Hare Corners:

Today's run was to honored the Founders and also to celebrate Freedom of Malaysia. GH5 had it's inaugural run on 26th January 1999 at Gasing Hill with 20 odd members. The birth of GH5 was conceived at 33000 ft above Indian air space when a group of Hashers realized they need to have a mixed chapter for their wives to go to so that they would not go ashtray at other chapters. A pro-team committee was set up on 20th Feb 1999 to register the club and on March 6th 2000, the club was officially registered as Gasing Hills Hash House Harrier and Harriets, the guiding principles of GH5 were Eco and Environment friendly, Family hash and quality hashing. The inaugural GM was Kangaroo, follow by Gold Finger, Hardcore, Piss Stop, V-Power, Baby Monkey and now Bonsai.
Thank you OC BangCock for a well organized do and thank you to all the Founders who contributed RM500 each for the goodies and one bottle of whisky sponsor from BangCock and V-Power.

Before the run starts, Negara Ku was sung, however it was said patriotism comes from your heart and singing the song is a way to express it for those sincerely loves the country. A big thank you was given to the Founders, namely Kangaroo,Gold Finger, Hi-Lo and Bull Dog (absent). Kangaroo iced JM to reaffirm the reason of setting up GH5 is to let the wives had a place to run not because afraid of wives. In an effort to reduce wastes and to live up to it's motto of being Eco friendly, the club has decided to provide water tumbler to all members so as to reduce the disposable of mineral water bottles. GH5 has evolved over time but the Founders are glad members are happy and growing stronger and more discipline. On the vision for the club, Kangaroo wishes members will continue to enjoy hash, make GH5 a quality hash chapter by raising quality of friendship and life, if the attitude is  right, GH5 can go on for long time. JM'S vision's for GH5  is for it to grow stronger and more love for GH5, this will form the "spirit" of unity and love for GH5. As a responsible hasher, one should set the run, pay your subs on time, participate in the run and club activities and enjoy yourself!
Tan Sri went straight to ice block when he did not know actually he was suppose to do run rating. OC BangCock and Advisor Gold Finger were thanked for organizing today's do. Warlord was iced when he posted a obscene clip on GH5 chat group. Pink Panty and Silent Gorilla were iced for chatting during circle time. Chitkitichik and Kirie Kimono was iced for going for hair wash after setting run last week. Kim Chi was the look alike for Push Up to sit on ice for drinking too much at Touch & Gold's run. Shitface was iced for instigating Pink Panty and Push Up to drink too much. BangCock was iced for giving Singa beer to Monster to drink before the run. ToyBoy was asked why he decide to join GH5 as his second hash chapter, he commented he like to run one more time during the week and  there are many friends who are also KH4 members. He finds the chapter interesting but circle tends to be long.

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