Even a menial task like setting a run we need a team to do a professional job. You may have a head (brain) but we need the vertebrae (spinal cord).
Like wise to run an organization we need a team. To build a team around you, we need to be interested in people, recognize talents, and encourage them along those lines and grow with them.
In my limited time left as On Sec, I must thank those that have supported me in carrying out my On Sec work;
Ben (hare queue, drinking kaki)
Bijis and Stiff Stick (IT)
Fish Shit, Ben, Eric (run setting)
Kevin (On Sec work)
V Power (guidance)
Silent (collecting money for events)
Ben, Fish Shit, Kenny Liew, Soh99, Sonny & Mun Yau, Blur Blur (lepak and drinking)
King Trucker, Goldfinger, Buffalo Gum, Baby monkey, Yap Long Chon, Ruth Yap, Songbird, James Bonk, Quack Quack Roger, Lord, Cocky, Ah Ni and BKT Heng, Chickety, Yak & Ivan, Bonsai, Mr.World, Goldfinger, Shitface, MK, Blur Blur, Hi-Lo & Hi Lili (encouragement as On Sec)
Big Mouth, Push Up, Honda Ong, Dave, Lambo, KC Wong, Wong Ah Sing, Heartbreaker, Tan Sri, Daffy Duck, Thorny Ass, Goldfinger, Hi Lili (encouragement on blogging)
100plus & Sonny (photography)
Stumpy (introducing me to hash)
Pisstop (giving me a good hash name)