Saturday, October 5, 2013

Run # 767 on Oct 8th at Alam Damai by Kim Chi rated 9.0 points by Goldie Mei.

Hare Corner,
Kim Chi was brought to GH5 by Fish Shit in 2009. She currently runs with GH5 and MH4. Her hash name was given by V-Power of GH5 because "Kim Chi" was her favorite appetizer and she was involved in  Korean Restaurant. Her real name is Jackie Leong. Kim Chi is a trainer in real estate profession. She believes everyone should be given a chance to excel as no one is perfect! She is very active on Facebook too at "Jacky KimChi"

Circle started at 830PM with Thong first on ice because Thong was talking about graveyard on the box last week. Prince Charming was next announcing next week's run by Gold Finger at Bukit Gasing and had declared as a public holiday and Gold Bar as goodies as well. Yak iced guests "T-shirt and Speedy" for leading GH5 members astray on no paper trail. Goldie Mei had the privilege to rate the run and awarded 9.0 points for today's run. Fish Shit was iced as he did not know many member's hash name. Kim Chi thanked Roger, Naza and Fish Shit for sponsoring the beers. Yak wanted to ice Kim Chi but reward with a flying kiss that melt his heart and she was spared the ice throne. Yak was quick to react and reward Kim Chi with a kiss as well, the real hammer will appear in next week's circle. Mad Dog was iced for he also wanted a kiss from Yak but actually he came late and did not go for the run. GM took to the box and immediately iced Yak for abuse of power. Guests Monster was iced for not wearing hash T-shirt. Buzzard Shitface took the box and iced GM and JGM for not appointing Buzzard ahead of time when they have three choices to chose from. Goldie Mei was iced for coming to the run with too many bottles of whisky. Peacock Hair was iced for coming too frequently because she wanted to see Mad Dog. Shitface recommended Price Charming and Fish Shit should be next year's Buzzard. Yak took the box again and iced Shitface for a job well done and not for revenge. Silent Gorilla was caught eating and duly punished with free beer