Thursday, September 26, 2013

Run #765 on 24th September at Puncak Alam by Prince Charming rated 8.5 points by Guest Roger

Hare Corner,
Lim Kae Ben was the given name until 2005 when he was brought to Hash by Kai Si Wong, since then there is no turning back as Prince Charming hashes with GH5, KH4 and Kaki Hash. His hash name was given due to the fact he was and still is a bachelor, tall, slender, handsome and charming, so this apt and fitting name was given at that time, however I leave it to you to decide if he should be re name as Shaolin Monk now! Prince Charming ply his trade as a remisier, so if you need to get some tips or kopi money but some times also get burnt, do give the Prince a call!
Prince Charming ! Na mo oh mi to fo!

 Prince Charming was rewarded with two bottles of Vintage Red Wine from Bordeaux region from GM  for the new run site. Bijis was iced for placing the ice throne on the handicapped parking area. Munster and Roger were both chilled for debating who will be the first runner today after some screw up on the checks and they were way in front. Family Do OC Left Ball announced the dates are confirmed on Nov 22-24, two lunches on your own account  and self drive to Damai Laut.  All pledges are welcome and thank those we already pledged. Left Ball was iced for using leave as an umbrella while setting the run. Kirei Kimono was praised by GM for coming early to the run site to collect guests fee when she knew Titanic car had broke down, on the other hand, Yak always complained a lot after the run. James Bonk call GM sucker for not bringing the tools of office. The Quaci littering gang were called out to warn them, future littering of Quaci will subject to a fine of RM10 each and go into charity fund. Goldie Mei was caught for throwing bottles and was iced on the throne with two bare chested guests whom had the privilege to put on bra to cover their nipples!

Buzzard iced GM for there are many repeat guests who have yet to become members. A NOTE TO ALL. " GH5 ARE VERY SELECTIVE IN ADMITTING NEW MEMBERS, SO WE WANT MEMBERS WHO ARE KEEN TO JOIN, UNDERSTAND GH5 CULTURES, HASH RESPONSIBLY AND SENSIBLY" Guests who are keen can submit their application for committee consideration. As a side note, all check payment to GH5, please write to "KELAB HASH HOUSE BUKIT GASING,PJ"
Left Ball using leave as umbrella while setting run..

Taking away handicap parking.

Competing to be first runner!

Dedicated Kirei Mimono versus ever complaining Yakitiyak!

I am single and still available..................

The outcome of not wearing hash shirt during circle!

What happen again?

The Top Management was hauled out to answer on Mismanagement!

I started a joke.............................

Silent on trance.....................

Thank you Prince Charming for the Curry Mee and the extra beers and VIRGIN LAN SITE for GH5!