Friday, August 9, 2013

Run # 758 at TTDI on 6th August Hared by Incredible Hulk and rated 8.5points by Mad Dog

Hare Corner:
Dr Victor Chen is his name but in Hash he is known as Incredible Hulk, apparently he was supposed to be name as the Incredible F..K but he managed to show off his mass all over the body and Victor was name as the Incredible Hulk instead. Hulk was brought to GH5 by Stumpy in year 2010 and he only runs with GH5, He is involved in the dairy trade in China and health supplement in Malaysia. 
Hulk holds the record in GH5 for the most number of resignation over the past three years for various reasons but always had to eat his humble pie, this goes to show Hulk really can not live without or loves GH5 so much and this is what makes GH5 great!

As usual, all runs in TTDI tends to attract a lot more members and being school holidays, there were some kids as well. With the absent of GM still Monkeying along Jerantut Jungle, Yak had the honor to call on on and the usual in trail led us to the Hash Heritage Site and track along Valley Park toward TTDI Hills Bungalow and Sungai Penchala. From here the track turn right and ascended toward the 252M highest peak and from here it head towards Sri Hartamas direction and the trail go through the new bungalow under construction and the security guards were not amused and threatened yo removed the ladder. From here the trail track upwards again to the most impressive Bungalow in this vicinity over looking the KL city view, after reaching the top, the trail lead us to the Kiara plantation terrace track and emerged at the guard house junction and head back to beer wagon. The total distance was 7.64KM.

Assistant On Sec performing his duties!

Circle started with Yak holding the fort since GM was no where to be seen. First on the firing line was Left Balls for having the latest S4 but not making full use of it and end up at KLGCC instead of RSC for the committee meeting. Stumpy was iced for sleeping and smoring in the car with window open while waiting to set run and could have been robbed! 
Bonsai took to the box to explain all resignation is automatically recognized by the club via email, sms or words of mouth from your hashing friend, as always announced during the circle, we only give you a joining form but never give you a resignation form! It was the right thing for Hulk to fulfilled his run duty  and then resign but he can always re apply to join. It is extremely important for the club to operate on a consistent policy and all members must respect the policy, none of us is above the club and we should not take the club for granted, no one should come and go as you please. 
The beauty of GH5 is no one is indispensable!
Stiff Stick being the Hare for next week was ived for failied to perform his sweeper duty. The new guests were welcome with Q-Shit bringing his brothers to sample hashing life he has been bragging to them. Yvoone was brought by Roger, and Sperm Perm was here to announce the upcoming Kepong H4 Celebration on 7th Oct. Sperm Perm was iced to explain how he got his hash name and he related he was in Brunei and had excessive wet dream when the reserve overflow frequently. Pocahontas was iced for not paying attention and frequenty caught talking with the guests. 
(A note to fellow member and guests, if you bring your guests to GH5, please inform them to respect GH5 circle, please be part of the circle and do not have your own private party,Thank you)
Buzzard for the night Pisstop iced Pushup for complaining lack of parking, Silent Gorilla was implicated for the Monkey fainted apps after smelling the finger that scartch the ASS. Fish shit was a disgrace when he rushed to the food before the circle ended.
Freedom Run OC Wild Boar announced the run site will be near to Ampang Look Out point and food will be at the Thai Restaurant, GUEST FEE IS RM100.
Family Day OC Left Ball announced the destination is Damai Laut Resort and damage will be announced in due course. Tentatively fixed on first week of December.

Next week's hare Stiff Stick who failed to perform his sweeper duty!

The guests.

Never pay attention but wants attention!

Always high and red tide!

Arse Sniffer that fainted!

Coupling! and De Coupling.

Now I have legitimate excuse not to run.

Dinner is served, thanks to the hare for the extra beers and liquor and endless pau.................