Thursday, August 16, 2012


On Tuesday, a GH5 member asked me about testosterone therapy.

He wanted to get the testosterone tablets. I told him that tablets are not much use as it undergoes a 95% first  pass metabolism by the liver and only 3-5% is available to the body.

 My opinion is that he goes for the 3-6 monthly depo-injections which is more effective if he was considering testosterone therapy. We are not to encourage nor discourage testosterone therapy as it is up to the individual and after understanding the pros & cons of such therapy.

The possibilities of testosterone therapy are enticing — increase your muscle mass, sharpen your memory and concentration, boost your libido, and improve your energy level. As you get older, testosterone therapy may sound like the ultimate anti-aging formula. Yet the health benefits of testosterone therapy for age-related decline in testosterone aren't as clear as they may seem.

Personally I believe there may be some benefits and I would go for it when my age goes beyond 50. But please do not take it as an endorsement.

There are some drawbacks like prostate cancer and worsening of existing Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). I believe that testosterone does not cause prostate cancer, but that  it causes existing prostate cancer to grow faster as it is a hormone-dependant cancer.

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